
Metaflora Genome Lab #1

Wandered into the Metaflora Genome containment lab and discovered that several of the subjects of study had made their way out of their observation chambers. A few of the researchers were looking for them desperately but to no avail. They seemed to have made their way out of the lab and into the rest of the center.

As such, our morning was spent with a biological hazard lock-down. The HAZMAT crew had to keep us confined to the east cafeteria as they ran scans throughout the rest of the EBRL. In the end, we spent about three hours waiting patiently with alternating processes of blood tests for infections and chemical showers to clean off any symbiotic growth.

Thankfully, just after lunch, the crew had found the last subject had, in fact, stuffed one of the MG researchers into a closet and assumed his form. All is back to normal and the lock-down has been released so I'll be able to make it home this evening. It made for an interesting morning indeed, and the electronic locks have been doubled-up with hard locks as well so tight-frequency electrostatic discharges will no longer pop the doors on the chambers.

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