
New Star Trek Movie Spin

While I haven't seen this movie yet as my research takes up a considerable amount of my time, I have heard quite a bit about it and know the big "plot twist" that makes it canon while not canon at the same time. As such it gave me an idea for a new Star Trek series.

Picture if you will the perfect combination of Star Trek and the old show Sliders. A new ship, equipped with an experimental drive that can tunnel through dimensions and alternate-space. The whole "alternate universe" theory is a very common plot hook for many an episode of Star Trek, no matter the series, so why not just base a series on it? Then you could cater to hundreds of fan-based "what-if?" scenarios. It'd be like Voyager, only it would make sense why all the weird phenomena was happening to this crew.

If Paramount ever decides to go with this idea, I'd like them to know that I'd be happy to take Original Idea credit and perhaps a co-writer or consultant position.

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